The ÖBB Group lives sustainability as a whole and is guided by the classic three pillars of sustainability: ecology, economy and society. After all, a sustainable corporate orientation combines successful business practices, ecological compatibility and social responsibility and brings them into a balanced relationship.
Since 2006 ÖBB has been providing transparent and regular information on its sustainability performance, and since 2019 it has been voluntarily reporting on sustainability based on the 17 building blocks of the ÖBB Sustainability Strategy. ÖBB has now published its 14th Sustainability Report, which has been audited for several years, for the first time in the management report as part of the Annual Report 2022. This means that the Group has been complying with the upcoming legal requirement of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) already several years in advance and without being required to do.
The full Sustainability Report can be found on page 118 of the Annual Report 2022. In addition, you will find an excerpt of the measures relating to the 17 sustainability building blocks in the supplement to the Sustainability Report 2022.
The Sustainability Report 2022 can be found here: